LANAO DEL NORTE, Apr 12 – DILG Lanao Del Norte holds its first virtual flag raising and convocation from officers and personnel at the provincial office with the 22 MLGOOs from the field offices.
To cope with the new normal, DILG Lanao del Norte held its 1st virtual flag raising activity and convocation on April 12, 2021 at 8:00 in the morning.
With uniform backgrounds, all MLGOOs and Provincial officers and staff virtually participated said activity.
After the saying of Muslim and Christian prayers and virtual singing of the Philippine National Anthem and Lanao del Norte Hymn, a convocation followed presided by PD Bruce A. Colao, CESO V.
In the discussions, PM Amina Ombar Satar, CPA stressed concerns of field officers on online compliance (TELCO survey, database of Senior Citizens, database of business establishment, etc) which to her assessment are beyond the technical capacity of MLGOOs.
Meanwhile, CH Mary Jean Quibranza, being head of LTIA Provincial Awards Committee shared the Provincial winners of the recently conducted LTIA on-site assessment.
Moreover, PD Bruce Colao, CESO V, tackled the impact of the virtual orientation conducted by DILG Lanao del Norte in partnership with the local government leagues on the Mandanas-Garcia Ruling last December 2020 and January 2021, respectively. When implemented starting in 2022, he stressed, there would be an increase in the oversight functions of the DILG with possible emphasis in the area of sanctions.
PD Colao also discussed a proposal to be communicated to higher levels of the DILG from DILG Lanao del Norte towards the professionalization of the ranks of the Barangay secretaries and treasurers in order for barangays to be technically and administratively responsive to the expected increase in performance accountability of the barangays with the implementation of the Mandanas-Garcia ruling. This would entail amendment or the Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160).
PD Colao further reminded MLGOOs to monitor the application for fidelity bond of Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Chairpersons and Treasurers, giving emphasis on their roles to plan, implement and be accountable to the programs, projects and activities for the youth sector in the respective barangays.
PD Colao also stressed points and initiatives on the area of peace and development and the Prevention and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) program of the Department.
PD Bruce in closing stated, “This virtual flag raising and convocation is our way to flow with the new normal while we are still in these trying times with the pandemic still on our heads. We will do more of this and we will encourage LGUs to adapt likewise to the challenges of the new normal”.
(DILG 10/Lanao del Norte /LGOO VI/Merychell A. Seronay)