DILG Iligan City helps city government strengthen policy on child protection, anti-violence for women

ILIGAN CITY, September 19 – Strengthening the policy on child protection and anti-violence for women, DILG Iligan attended the third quarter joint council meeting of the City Council for the Protection of Children (CCPC) and the City Committee on Anti-trafficking and Violence Against Women and Children (CCAT-VAWC), presided by City Mayor Frederick Siao as the chair for the said committees.


The DILG Iligan City, represented by acting Program Manager LGOO Villebette Sato, presented to the councils the roles of the LGUs in the implementation of RA 9344 as amended by RA 10930, also known as “An Act Establishing a Comprehensive Juvenile Justice and Welfare System, Creating the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council under the Department of Social Welfare and Development, Appropriating Funds Thereof, and for Other Purposes”.


LGOO Sato emphasized that all the laws and issuances passed will have been ‘put in vain’ if not enforced and operationalized. Hence, she encouraged all the members of the council to put into heart their roles and discharge their functions to the best of their ability for violence and child-abuse free Iligan City.


Further, she provided technical assistance during the formulation of the 2023 Work and Financial Plan which will be presented during the next meeting for the council’s approval and endorsement to the city council for adoption.